miercuri, 4 iunie 2008

Floare de colt

Ce e "miercurea fara cuvinte" puteti vedea aici; eu particip cu bucurie si fiindca azi e ziua mediului, m-am gandit sa va arat o floare de colt


3 comentarii:

  1. I don't read your language well but I can figure out some words from their roots...and I wanted to tell you how pretty your blog is and to thank you also for visiting my blog.

    Lydia in Oregon (on the west Coast of the US)

  2. Ha-ha-ha!
    azi e 5, nu ieri
    si e iunie, nu mai!!!

  3. Thank you for your visit, Lydia. In the message I play with the words; sorry, I don't know if I can explain to you with my bad English.
    In Romanian, we call Edelweiss - "corner flower" and I saw this dandelion in this corner and it "speaks" to me that way. :)
    Thank you very much for your visit and for your good lesson of life.


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