am gasit cartea "Urmarea lui Hristos" - varianta digitala. o cautam demult
vineri, 11 aprilie 2008
The Promise
If you wait for me then Ill come for you
Although Ive traveled far
I always hold a place for you in my heart
If you think of me, if you miss me once in awhile
Then Ill return to you
Ill return and fill that space in your heart
Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
Ill find my way back to you
If youll be waiting
If you dream of me like I dream of you
In a place thats warm and dark
In a place where I can feel the beating of your heart
Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
Ill find my way back to you
If youll be waiting
Ive longed for you and I have desired
To see your face your smile
To be with you wherever you are
Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
Ill find my way back to you
If youll be waiting
Ive longed for you and I have desired
To see your face, your smile
To be with you wherever you are
Your touch
Your kiss
Your warm embrace
Ill find my way back to you
Please say youll be waiting
Together again
It would feel so good to be
In your arms
Where all my journeys end
If you can make a promise if its one that you can keep, I vow to come for you
If you wait for me and say youll hold
A place for me in your heart.
azi iubesc
Azi e vineri.
Azi iubesc
Iubesc casa pe care am curatat-o de dimineata
micul dejun pe care l-am pregatit pentru fete...
discutiile la cafea cu DH, felul cum ma face sa ma simt importanta
paturile pe care le-am spalat de dimineata si le-am intins la uscat

lucrul pe care il am de facut pentru serviciu
si, nu in ultimul rand, iubesc primavara
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